A place to store my collection of interesting, pretty, and useful things I find on the internet.

Wednesday, September 2

Skeleton alphabet


(source. This Make Something Cool Every Day group is awesome)


This X-Ray illustration by Stan Chow (both from his alphabet set) just became my new desktop background. I found it via the Make Something Cool Evert Day flickr group.

More illustration

How's this for gorgeous? Lots of amazing stuff at Illustrative, a German illustration show. Must explore further.

Bear Illustration

For future illustration reference. (source)

Tuesday, September 1

Housework sucks and talking plates

Funny housewares from MOMA and Materialistic (found via decor8 and Oh Joy!)

Monday, August 31


These are just a bunch of images I've been  collecting for a while of things I think are neat that I may want to incorporate into my future home. I love the tiny tiles and recessed shelving from the first picture. The second picture, well, who doesn't want an ongoing game of Exquisite Corpse in their house? The next two are nice and calm and light. And the last picture, that one's my favorite. Doesn't it just look colorful and fun and warm and relaxed? I want my home to have the feeling of that photo. Not sure exactly where all of these are from, but most of them are probably from Design Sponge.


I love lots and lots and lots of colors, all squished up together. From Design Sponge and Oh Joy!, respectively.